This is Pareto (the 80/20 guy! Click here if you don't know who he is). His theories even work with facial hair it seems. Pareto's facial fuzz is around 20% moustache and 80% beard I reckon. Hope you're still enjoying Movember and all the hairy goodwill it brings. If you're growing a 'tache of your own then maybe 20% of that hair is causing 80% of your itchiness? If so scratch away and know that you are at least 80% good for taking the time to grow that top lip fur! Enjoy!
Movember Mo' Men Moments - Take care Caretaker!
Caretakers (or Janitors for my US friends) rock! Knowledgable, wise and hard working moustache wearing cool dudes. Keep things clean, fresh and well oiled you mo' sporting mop gods! Hurrah!
Movember Mo' Men Moment (does that make sense?)
Here's a fine old gentleman sporting a dapper moustache. You'll also notice he's rocking a fine cane, hat and hanky combo! Another Movember mo'ment! Enjoy!